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Stefani Longshamp
Amelia Keene.

Amelia Prentice Keene is the personification of Las Vegas. Amelia has
spent a lifetime in show business. From her humble beginnings in the
Ice Capades, to performing as the leading leading lady in the
revolutionary EFX show with David Cassidy, she has seen it all, and
understands the luxury lifestyle that is unmistakably and
unapologetically, Las Vegas.

Amelia learned competition through Ice Skating, quality, from
performing alongside legends like Tony Bennett and Lucy Arnaz, and
her laser attention to detail, from a successful real-estate career
spanning over two decades.

Ameilia offers viewers access to her clients, their lavish multimillion-
dollar estates, and their luxe lifestyles.

Amelia Keene

Amelia Keene

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Max Reinert
Jamie Leigh Klingler.

Nicknamed “Scrappy Elegant” by her choreographer, Jamie Leigh Klingler grew up in Davisburg, Michigan and trained as a figure skater from the time that she could walk.

After touring the world as a professional skater, Jamie retired from skating as a two-time gold medalist. Jamie’s passion for luxury and interest in architecture made real estate a perfect fit, where she approaches client representation with the same vigor she brought to the ice as a professional athlete.


Jamie receives great satisfaction from pairing people with new homes, and her eye for detail attracted the attention of the Keene team.

Jamie has been married for 14 years, and lives in Las Vegas with her Husband, Son, a three-legged cat named 'Tripps', and a white shepherd named 'Love'."

Max Reinert
Kenny "K2" Keene.

Kenny “K2” Keene hails from Chicago. His technical theatrical career spans over 30
years working in theater, TV and major films including Rush Hour 2 with Jackie Chan
and 2,000 Miles to Graceland with Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell.

Kenny has been a production manager, technical director, Grip and Head Production
Rigger for major corporate shows across the US and in Las Vegas.

Kenny's local credits include Star Trek at the Hilton, The Cirque de Soliel show “O” , at the Bellagio, and the new Awakening Show at the Wynn Hotel.

K2 and Amelia have been married 25 years and live with their 2 furry friends in
Henderson, NV

Alyson Rall

Alyson Rall was born and raised in Hudson Valley, New York and played premiere soccer in college. A natural multi-tasker, Alyson became an account manager for a local firm in Las Vegas. After living in Las Vegas awhile, Alyson became interested in local real estate, specifically the luxury market and joined The Keene Team.

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